10 Apr REALTOR® Day at the Texas Capitol
Earlier this week, I had the pleasure of joining more than 2,500 of my friends and colleagues in Austin, as we attended REALTOR® Day at the Texas Capitol. REALTOR® Day is our opportunity to meet directly with the lawmakers from our home districts to discuss issues critical to Texas real estate. This year marked the X gathering of the Texas Association of REALTORS® at the Texas Capitol.
Our topics of discussion ranged from reforming the property tax process to include honesty and transparency in the local tax-rate setting process, to maintaining the current title insurance system, and modernizing the home equity lending process in the Texas Constitution.
Other discussions included legislation related to rental regulation, transportation network companies, eminent domain, the Texas Real Estate Commission, and election transparency.
I love being able to advocate for our profession, and for private property owners across the state of Texas. It was such a privilege to share time with the men and women elected to represent our communities, and to collaborate on ideas and policies directly related to real estate. It makes me even more excited as I campaign for National Treasurer with Women’s Council of REALTORS®.
Together, we can do amazing things!