30 Jan January 734th

Here we sit on what feels like January 734th, 2019 because let’s be real…January is HARD. It feels like a month of Monday’s between recovering from all the holidays and trying to get your life “right” again. I’m not big on creating resolutions, but I do believe in goals. And yet, I still haven’t really sat down to write my 2019 goals. Yes-I have some real estate goals like helping 72 families with home ownership, but as far as goals that make me a better person…physically, mentally and spiritually…I am slacking. It’s not because I don’t think about them daily but more because I’m struggling to quantify my goals. For years I’ve had a loose X pounds goal, but not this year. As funny as that sounds to write down, I actually think I am on to something and will actually achieve my non-quantifiable goals this year.
2019 is all about being a better human. Mankind needs better humans out there and let’s be real…we need to be better humans to ourselves. I challenge you to do one thing each day that will make you a better human. If you improve just 1% each day in a years time you will be 365% better! Ok, my math folks…I realize this doesn’t calculate compound interest, but even if you were only 10% better in a year imagine what that would do to you personally and to your circle.
So, what can you do today that will make you better than yesterday?
- Go for a walk
- Read a book (or at least a Chapter)
- Call a friend or family member…just because
- Pay it forward-buy someone’s coffee or whatever
- Try something new
- Smile
- Say thank you…and mean it
- Pray or meditate
- Eat a healthier meal
What other ideas do you have? Let’s dedicate the rest of 2019 to being better humans…to ourselves and others.