01 Feb Hello, February!

Well, hello there February! I know, I know…I just told you that I couldn’t quantify my goals this year, and this post seems almost just like I am quantifying them…but it is not. January, despite the fact it seemed to last an eternity, proved to be a success both personally and professionally. I must confess, it looks like I lost 10 pounds in January, but the truth of the matter is I only lost the 10 pounds that I found in December from too much holiday indulgence. There wasn’t a magic pill that made that happen, but little steps have started adding up. Here are some of the steps I took to make my January successful:
- Refuse to give up-it didn’t matter if I wanted to work out or not, I refused to give up.
- Limit my distractions-what distracts you the most? For me, it’s notifications on my phone. I would set an alarm for an hour and not allow myself to look at my phone. I could get more done in that hour than in 24 hours.
- Feed your body and your soul-you are a product of your environment. What you listen to and tell yourself is just as important as the nutrition you are feeding yourself.
- Drink water-it’s just good for you! I aim to drink 100+ oz of water a day because that is what my body needs. Find out what you need to live your best life.
- Find alternatives-anyone that knows me knows my love for all things __________ <fill in the blank>, but that blank isn’t always the best for you. I have sought after some great alternatives that I just love for example having some La Croix is a gorgeous Champange glass. It is much healthier and yet I am still getting to sip some bubbles. (Tomorrow I will post my top 10 alternatives for you)
So when you reflect back on January, how was it? Can you do better? Of course, we all can…and that’s the best part…we have February staring us in the face saying “Bring It”! Who is with me?